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Title & Link اسم الكتاب و رابطهAuthor المؤلفالتصنيفالنوعيةWWW
Ordenaçoens do senhor rey d. Affonso v. 5 livros Alphonso 1786-Oxford University
Poems: Written During His Early Professional Years Jesse Walker , Montgomery Schuyler 1854-the New York Public Library
Polynesia: A History of the South Sea Islands, Including New Zealand ; with Narrative of the ... Michael Russell 1852-the New York Public Library
Præ lectiones theologicæ de augustissimo eucharistiæ sacramento Honore Tournely 1729-Oxford University
The Prose Works of John Milton: With a Biographical Introd. by Rufus Wilmot Griswold John Milton 1847-Harvard University
Recueil de pièces historiques sur la reine Anne ... épouse de Henri ier, roi de France, avec une ... Anne 1825-Oxford University
Report on Dredging in Lake St. Peter: And on the Improvement of the River St. Lawrence, Between ... Thomas C. Keefer , Montréal (Québec ) Board of Harbour Commissioners 1855-the University of Michigan
Report on Education in Europe: To the Trustees of the Girard College for Orphans Alexander Dallas Bache, Girard College 1839-the University of Michigan
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Consistory Court of London: Containing the ... John Haggard, Church of England Diocese of London. Consistory Court 1822-Oxford University
Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for ... Joseph Henry , Spencer Fullerton Baird, United States War Dept, United States Army. Corps of Engineers 1855-the University of Michigan
Reports Presented to the Western Conference of Unitarian Churches Held at Louisville, May, 1854 Henry Pirtle , American Unitarian Association Western Conference 1854-Harvard University
Romeo and Juliet: A Tragedy William Shakespeare 1859-Harvard University
Répertoire général du Théâtre Français: composé des tragédies, comédies et drames des auteurs du ... 0 1823
Sammlung von Aufgaben aus der Differential- und Integrabrechnung Ludwig Adolph Sohncke 1850-Oxford University
Scotish Poems: Reprinted from Scarce Editions ... with Three Pieces Before Unpublished David Lindsay 1792-the New York Public Library
Simple sketches from church history for young persons Harriet Toogood 1854-Oxford University
The Song of Albion: A Poem Commemorative of the Crisis. Lines On the Fall of Warsaw and Other Poems Henry Sewell Stokes 1831-the New York Public Library
Specimens of Swedish and German poetry, tr. by J.E.D. Bethune. Poems of E. Tegner. Schiller's ... Esaias Tegnér , Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller 1848-Oxford University
Télégraphie électrique Louis Dominique Jules Gavarret 1861-Oxford University
Traité de la résolution des équations numériques de tous les degrés: avec des notes sur ... Joseph Louis Lagrange , (, Louis Poinsot 1826-the New York Public Library
Traité de minéralogie Haüy, René Just Haüy , ( 1822-the New York Public Library
Traité élémentaire de physique théorique et expérimentale avec les applications à météorologie ... Pierre Adolphe Daguin 1861-Oxford University
Œuvres complètes Marcus Tullius Cicero 1835-the New York Public Library
Œuvres de Madame la marquise de Lambert 0 1766-Oxford University
Œuvres de P. Corneille: avec le commentaire de Voltaire et les jugments de La Harpe Pierre Corneille , Thomas Corneille , Voltaire, Jean François de La Harpe 1821-the New York Public Library
Versuch einer Geschichte der ehemaligen Universität und der Gymnasien der Stadt Köln, so wie der ... Franz Joseph von Bianco 1833-Oxford University
The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor ... Jeremy Taylor , Reginald Heber , Charles Page Eden 1850-the University of California
The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor ... Jeremy Taylor , Reginald Heber , Charles Page Eden 1850-the University of California
The Works of Charles Lamb Charles Lamb, Thomas Noon Talfourd 1850-the New York Public Library
The Works of Dr Jonathan Swift, Dean of St Patrick's, Dublin. In Thirteen Volumes. ... Jonathan Swift 1774-Oxford University
The Works of Joseph Stevens Buckminster: With Memoirs of His Life Joseph Stevens Buckminster 1839-Harvard University
The Works of Samuel Johnson: LL.D. A New Edition in Twelve Volumes. With an Essay on His Life ... Samuel Johnson , Arthur Murphy 1823
The Works of Samuel Johnson... Samuel Johnson , Arthur Murphy 1825-the New York Public Library
The Works of Walter Savage Landor Walter Savage Landor 1846-Harvard University
The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians ... Charles Rollin 1851-Harvard University
An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory: With a Brief Sketch of the History of the Problem Up ... Hugh Godfray 1859-the New York Public Library
Annales des sciences naturelles, par mm. Audouin, Ad. Brongniart et Dumas, comprenant la ... Jean Victor Audouin , Adolphe Brongniart , Jean-Baptiste Dumas 1827
Die Weltkarte Des Idrisi Vom Jahr 1154 n.Chr Haji Khalfae طبعه كونراد ميلر سنه 1917 جغرافيا. scanned -ص 260الهند
How to Inroduce Islam to non Muslims anReem Kanaan انجليزي-ENGLISH text
How to Understand Islamic bioethics and Philosophy anReem Kanaan انجليزي-ENGLISH text
Did God reveal Himself as Jesus or by sending the Quran rīm kn'aan=Reem_Kanaan text